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Panther House, 38 Mount Pleasant
London, WC1X 0AN

JÓN Magazine is an epic, specialist mens fashion print magazine... with excellent taste. Printed quarterly in London, UK. 


JÓN Issue 30- The 'HIP' issue


I mean, are we over it yet? Spring is here and the vaccine’s are en route to our flexing biceps, so while you emerge from the chrysalis of a long lock we’ve got your reading sorted. This issue we’re hanging out with Garrett Hedlund, and chat about his new flick United States Vs Billie Holiday. We cruise up to the hills of Los Feliz and chat with Kyle Allen about his Amazon flick The Map of Tiny Perfect Things. If that wasn’t enough, we meet the super handsome Diego Boneta, who invigorates our screens playing latin superstar Luis Miguel for the new Netflix show. Finally, the wonderful Harrison Osterfield from The Irregulars sits down with us in London to talk Sherlock Holmes and all things Baker street.

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For our fans in the USA, JÓN costs around $25 including the postage - a bargain to be the envy of all your mates!


JÓN is here for 2021 with four fantastic celebrity interviews, ten magical fashion stories, articles, illustrations, collages and all the glitz and glamour that you’re used to from us - a spectacular collectors item to live on your coffee table for the next three months.

Don’t miss out, we have such limited stock available and it sells REAL FAST!


JÓN Issue 30 is bright, fresh and optimistic. We’re getting over the Covid Crap, slowly. It’s time to look forward - and to look at beautiful photos. We’ve got gorgeous editorials shot in Los Angeles and London, and fashion editorials from around the world. We’ve got articles, columns and sassy side remarks. We’ve got everything you’re looking for this spring. Choose your cover and grab your copy.


JÓN has a limited release and is available in limited stores or online - the same price including postage in either place.